इयत्ता नववी इंग्रजी विषयाच्या सर्व पाठनिहाय ऑनलाइन टेस्ट

Sr. No. Lesson link
1Walk a little slower Click here
2They fun they had Click here
3‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers Click here
4The story of tea Click here
5The necklace Click here
6Comparisons Click here
7Helen keller and Anne Sullivan Click here
8Mark Twain Click here
9Please Listen Click here
10 A Play Click here
11Coromandel FishersClick here
12The fall of Troy Click here
13To a butterfly Click here
14Think before you speak Click here
15Great scientistsClick here
16What is success ?Click here
17Reading works of Art Click here
18Silver Click here
19The tempest Click here
20The last lesson Click here

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