इयत्ता आठवीच्या इंग्रजी विषयाच्या पाठनिहाय सर्व ऑनलाइन टेस्ट.

Sr. No. Lessons Link
1Be the best Click here
2Androcles, and the lionClick here
3Trees are the kindest things I know Click here
4Miss slippery Click here
5Try again Click here
6The house builder Click here
7The little river Click here
8Excuses ! Click here
9A heroine of the sea Click here
10Why ?Click here
11The song of songsClick here
12Truth Click here
13The two gentlemen of Verona Click here
14The vet Click here
15P. V. Sindhu – An Icon of successClick here
16Golden chain Click here
17The unsinkable ship Click here
18Festivals of North east India Click here

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