इयत्ता चौथीच्या इंग्रजी विषयाच्या सर्व पाठनिहाय ऑनलाइन टेस्ट

Sr. No. LessonLinks
1The action song Click here
2Circles – 1 Click here
3Words from lettersClick here
4A garden of WordsClick here
5One at a time Click here
6Four things about me Click here
7RaindropsClick here
8A Guessing game Click here
9In the parkClick here
10Action words and phrasesClick here
11Row your boat Click here
12A garden of words Click here
13The hare and the Tortoise Click here
14CategoriesClick here
15To the marketClick here
16Munnu’s maths Click here
17Circles -2 Click here
18A team of workersClick here
19Fresh food Click here
20In a biscuit Factory Click here
21Let’s talk Click here
22Time poemsClick here
23A garden of words Click here
24The sky is falling Click here
25Responses Click here
26A recipe Click here
27Something special Click here
28From the postbox -1 Click here
29How birds fly Click here
30Little brown sparrows Click here
31Circles -3 Click here
32Namita Didi’s time-table Click here
33Good habits Click here
34Word building Click here
35A garden of wordsClick here
36Maya’s dream Click here
37Building sentences Click here
38MessagesClick here
39From the postbox -2 Click here
40Group telephone Click here
41Clouds Click here
42The man who cried wolf Click here
43Minding the class Click here
44Change Click here
45Changing sentences Click here
46A garden of words Click here
47The golden fish Click here
48Circles – 4 Click here
49From the postbox – 3 Click here
50At the bottom of the ocean Click here
51A visit to a garden Click here
52RiddlesClick here
53An action rhymeClick here
54The kingdom of plants Click here
55I want to tell youClick here
56A garden of words Click here
57A never – ending story Click here
58Five – fluffy little robins Click here
59Good mannersClick here
60Order , order !Click here
61Time to laugh Click here

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